Friday, 24 June 2011


As we look forward to endless years of austerity that will be inflicted on us by the Government's severe public spending cuts, there is a growing consensus that believes the time has come for charity to begin at home. Our political leaders, while some still seem content to line their own pockets despite jail sentences handed to the few of their colleagues that were brought to task, the rest of us are finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet. Contrary to what politicians tell us, we are certainly not all in this together. The divide between the highest and lowest paid continues to increase leaving the lowliest members of society to take the brunt of the suffering. 

But while the steady hike in the cost of living hits the majority, it is the elderly, the sick and the lowest paid who are punished. Residential care homes are closing through lack of funding, terminally ill patients are being refused life prolonging drugs on cost grounds, thousands are losing their jobs and too many also their homes. None of this accounts for the appalling treatment being dished out by several NHS hospitals and the worst care homes.  I could continue ranting about so much that is wrong with our country but this will be in the book I am writing.